Pet Shop of Horrors

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"Pet Shop of Horrors" is a four volume OVA from 1999 that was released in the US in 2000.

When you want something so bad that you need it, you go to Chinatown to see Count D, the acting proprietor of a "pet shop". The “Count” has the connections to give you what you’re really looking for, what you really need. Each volume tells one story, and all four of these stories are lessons in the small, sniveling, needy, pathetic nature of the desires of humanity.

It reminded me of the children’s novel, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Like Wonka, Count D gives his customers the doom they’re unwittingly seeking… except that D does it in the form of another needy creature, a pet. While the beginning setup, the idea of it being set in a pet shop, was interesting; and I enjoyed the weird anime take on my hometown, Los Angeles; the lessons themselves were overdone clichés. Also, D is not recognizable as a man (I’m referring to gender here, rather than species). The Count is obviously the alter ego of the woman writer of the original manga. Still, this OVA has that really cool, dark, luridly colored, Madhouse Studio look; and is often wryly funny.

 Pet Shop 01

 Pet Shop 02

 Pet Shop 03

 Pet Shop 04
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Curator: guyvariii
Gallery Created: 1/21/2004

Presentation 8.65/10   Collection 9.12/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 65 votes
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