Justy, Cosmo Police

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"Cosmo Police Justy" is a movie from 1985, based on a manga/comic series. The comic books were released by Viz in the US in 1989.

Sigma-041: Justy Kaizard is the number one Esper Hunter in the Cosmo Police. Since joining the force, he has over 200 kills on his record. The bad guys don’t like him! These villains of the future plan on getting rid of Justy by using his adopted sister, Astalis, the biological daughter of super Esper criminal, Magnum Vega. Deep within Astalis is her repressed memory of how she watched as Justy blew apart the entire upper torso of her father. Using this memory, the Esper criminals plan on invading Astalis’ mind to use her inherited super Esper abilities to kill Justy!

Character designs are very pretty, and the backgrounds are classic sci-fi awesome. The plot was: brightly colored good guy vs. darkly colored bad guys. I don’t think they even bothered to give the bad guys names, except for Magnum Vega, who’s already dead at the beginning of the show. Though Justy is haunted by his killing of Magnum Vega, it really has no effect on him, other than making him wonder if Astalis, unknowingly, still hates him. Even his biological sister, Jelna, says, "She’s not Magnum Vega’s daughter anymore,” like it was completely OK for Justy to blow a guy apart… in front of the man’s own daughter. I guess killing a man really isn’t a "hell of a thing.” Maybe it was all right because Vega was "all bad.” Still, Justy, with his styling space suit and gravity defying bright blue hair, is cool. And being an Esper himself, he can beat the bad guys by just posing and looking good.

 Justy 05

 Justy 06
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Curator: guyvariii
Gallery Created: 1/21/2004

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