Wind Named Amnesia, A

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“A Wind Named Amnesia” was released in 1993. With Supervision by Rintaro and Yoshiaki Kawajiri, it was directed by "Five Star Stories’" Director, Kazuo Yamazaki; who also directed my favorite "City Hunter"… "Goodbye My Sweetheart/City Hunter:The Motion Picture".

In the near future (199_?) a Wind will blow across the entire planet. This Wind will wipe out all of man’s knowledge. No one will remember how to speak, read, or live a socially acceptable life as we know it. What will man do? Will he revert completely into a non-thinking animal? Will those who have managed to attain some degree of knowledge hide themselves from the world? Or is man deeper and nobler than the restraints he puts on himself through our known society?

Just by chance, a young man, Wataru, gains enough knowledge to attain the ability to talk, and function in the way mankind did before the Wind. The movie follows him and a strange woman named Sophia, who seems unaffected by the Wind, as they travel through cities and towns, now turned into a primitive world by the Wind. During each stop in the movie, Sophia takes the pessimistic viewpoint of man, and Wataru takes the optimistic viewpoint. When the movie reaches the end, both characters gain a mutual respect for each other. Wataru’s view of man becomes slightly more pessimistic and Sophia’s view becomes more optimistic, as she takes pity on Wataru. The question: “Is man really more than a self-interested animal, both with and without society?” is left unanswered, as Wataru walks off to his jeep to continue his travels.

I enjoy this movie, but there’s a really stupid sex scene at the end. The movie should have gone from Wataru in Sophia’s lap looking up at her, to them saying goodbye. I already knew from the preceding scenes that they cared about each other. I didn’t need a sex scene combined with a recap of the entire movie. In some ways it cheapened the film. Still, it’s a great, thought provoking, beautiful looking Anime.

 Wind Named
Amnesia 01

 Wind Named
Amnesia 02

 Wind Named
Amnesia 03

 Wind Named
Amnesia 04
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Curator: guyvariii
Gallery Created: 1/21/2004

Presentation 8.65/10   Collection 9.12/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 65 votes
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