Curse of the Undead Yoma

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"Curse of the Undead Yoma/ Blood Reign" was released in 1989.

In "Curse of the Undead Yoma", Yoma are monsters born from human blood spilled on battlefields. One of these monsters (Marou) was born as a human, and raised as a Ninja. After years of battles and death, Marou is sickened by humanity. He decides his best option is to embrace his demon side and wipeout mankind. His one-time friend Hikage, feels betrayed by his companion. Not only is Marou planning to wipeout Feudal Japan, but Marou tried to personally kill him. Hikage is confused because he remembers Marou as his friend. So Hikage searches Japan to settle these events with Marou one way or another.

I’d recommend "Curse of the Undead Yoma" to anyone who enjoyed "Berserk". When I’d only seen half of "Berserk", it seemed to be the same cartoon; except "Berserk" went into a lot more back story and was set in a D & D environment. Both anime have a gay theme, but unlike "Berserk", you don’t get to see Marou’s sword in Hikage’s mouth. One of these days, if I can ever find a reasonably priced cel of Hikage, I’ll have a matched set.

 Yoma 005

 Yoma 006
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Curator: guyvariii
Gallery Created: 1/21/2004

Presentation 8.65/10   Collection 9.12/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 65 votes
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