Black Magic M-66

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"Black Magic M(Mario)-66" is a one-shot OVA from 1987.

After an Airplane crash, two military cyborg killing machines are set loose on Japan. Fully functional and ready for action, the machines will stop at nothing to terminate their test target, who, for ease of programming, and because it was never intended to be used, is their inventor’s own granddaughter. The granddaughter’s only hope for survival is the ingenuity of a freelance news reporter, Sybell, and the Japanese military, whose weapons seem ineffective when combating the machines.

Unlike a lot of other anime that apply human traits to machines (Example: "Animatrix", "Ghost in the Shell", "Machine Robo", etc.), "Black Magic’s" robots are just killing machines. They don’t talk, react, complain, get excited, get mad, or anything. This gives the machines a raw power that is rarely seen in other anime.

 M-66 001

 M-66 002

 M-66 003

 M-66 004
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Curator: guyvariii
Gallery Created: 1/21/2004

Presentation 8.65/10   Collection 9.12/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 65 votes
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