Black Lion

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"Black Lion", released in 1992, is the worst anime I’ve ever seen.

It’s horrible; but that’s what makes it great. The plot is ridiculous. Aliens from the future take over Oda Nobunaga’s body giving him the ability to use space age weaponry to take over medieval Japan. For anyone who’s interested, Oda Nobunaga is an actual historical individual, who was able to “unite” Japan through military might. But combining Ninjas with machine guns and laser cannons is wrong.

Most of the cartoon follows a lowly Ninja’s (whose name I can’t remember) quest to avenge the death of his girl friend, Oyu, who was killed by Ginnai Doma. Ginnai is Nobunaga’s invincible humanoid Ninja killing machine. From here on it’s just one attempt at killing Ginnai followed by another; he’s incinerated, his head is chopped off, he’s stabbed multiple times, and he’s blown up… twice. Towards the end of the cartoon you find out that Ginnai really looks like the Terminator but has the ability to launch his head from his shoulders and fire missiles from his mouth.

What makes the cartoon funny is it’s done seriously. You can’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

 BL 001

 BL 002

Curator: guyvariii
Gallery Created: 1/21/2004

Presentation 8.65/10   Collection 9.12/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 65 votes
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