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Released in 1989, "Akira" is one of the most, if not THE most, well known art house Japanese anime to American audiences.
The cartoon follows two biker punks, Kaneda and Tetsuo. After a horrible accident, the Japanese government decides to experiment on Tetsuo in order to create the ultimate psychic weapon. Tetsuo, now endowed with killer telekinesis, is corrupted by his near limitless power but is also haunted by Akira (Akira is/was a previous military attempt at creating a super psychic weapon). Tetsuo, obsessed with the idea of finding and destroying Akira, goes on a rampage in Neo-Tokyo (explosions, fires, etc.); but finds out that Akira was blown up years earlier. Although gone, Akira is not dead but has traveled to a higher plane of existence and has now been called upon by his fellow experimentees to take out Tetsuo, by blowing up Neo-Tokyo.
"Akira" has great animated scenes of a corrupt, futuristic hell. The overall message was very nihilistic; basically: mankind has screwed up and we need to get rid of everything and start over.